jQuery Basics Examples

Basic examples

Click on the Green Circle to watch this text and the frame change!

Fade out example

Click on the circles to watch them fade away...

Fade in-out and Grow-shrink examples

Regular Expression Example (Regex)

Enter a string and click "Submit" to calculate the total number of VOWELS:

jQueryUI Draggable Example

Drag me around - HORIZONTALLY ONLY...

Drag me around inside the BOX ONLY

jQueryUI Resize Example

This box can be RESIZED. Try it out!

jQueryUI Drag and Drop Example

Drag me into Blue Box!
Drag little pink box into this container!!

jQueryUI Accordion Example

The following table of text can be expanded and contracted like an accordion

Part One

Well here is some text the goes into Part One section. Blah blah Blah. You can sell a vehicle as registered up to 3 months after its registration has expired. If it has expired for more than 3 months, your registration is cancelled and you must sell your vehicle as unregistered.

Part Two

Get a Certification of Roadworthiness for the vehicle if required. The certificate must not be more than 30 days old when the sale takes place. Some vehicles and transfer types are exempt from requiring a Certificate of Roadworthiness:

Part Three

Fill in the seller section of the application for transfer of registration form [PDF 368 Kb]. Note: You are required to inform the buyer in writing whether the vehicle is entered on any Written-off Vehicle Register, either in Victoria or interstate. This can be done by ticking Yes or No in the appropriate section of the transfer form.

Part Four

Give the buyer a receipt as proof of purchase and ownership of the vehicle. The receipt should be dated and included:

jQueryUI Sortable Example

Sort your favorite ever Richmond Football Players